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企 业 名 称:德阳佳康贸易有限责任公司

所 属 网 库:德阳电脑网库

联 系 人:孟周恩先生

职 位:董事长办公室董事长

员 工 人 数:未知

主 营 产 品:品牌计算机 兼容机 打印机、复印机、传真机 笔记本电脑 数码产品及办公耗材 品牌服务器 工程级防火墙、交换机、路由器 全自动办公室,会议室设计安装

公 司 地 址:中国 四川 德阳市 德阳市泰山南路银松巷30号饶益小区7-2-2-2

联 系 电 话:86-0838-2204513

邮 政 编 码:618000

移 动 电 话:13088....点击此处可查看手机号

公 司 传 真:86-0838-2204513

注 册 资 金:未知

经 营 模 式:有限责任公司 ;经销批发

主 营 行 业:台式机 工控电脑产品 服务器、工作站 UPS电源 电脑音箱


    我公司主营品牌计算机;兼容机;打印机、复印机、传真机;笔记本电脑;数码产品及办公耗材;品牌服务器;工程级防火墙、交换机、路由器;全自动办公室,会议室设计安装; 佳康公司介绍 The introduction of Jiakang Co. 人间天府在四川,四川明珠在德阳 Sichuan, the paradise of sichuan. Deyang, the bright phearl of Sichuan. 德政如阳山水美,生养益树名佳康 The Deyang local government and the graceful landscape brought up Jiakang. 肾宝白金拔头彩,华夏佳品齐跟上 Shengbao and Baijin are two of the most popular products of Huaxia. 批发零售药店成,十年佳康渐成长 In ten years time, Jiakang pharmacy grew up and became mature through retail and wholesale of medicine. 世界珍宝有三颗,虫草美酒木耳王 Worm grass, excellent alcohol and the king of edible tree fungus are three treasure of the world. 华夏佳品三百种,天府特产网销忙 More than three hundred of gooditems and special local products of Huaxia are sold well through e-business. 大道和谐五粮液,十年陈酒虫草镶。 Ten years' wine -Wuliangye, mixed with Worm grass, made up Dadaohexie Wuliangye. 国酒国药国师配,空前绝后珠峰上 This excellent medicated-wine and medicine are the unique achievements of the professional dispenser in the history. 奥运亮相满座惊,酒界泰斗赞叹忙 This unique product also has gained numerous compliments once it was known since the time of Beijing Olympic Games. 延年益寿华贵香,盛宴宾朋心欢畅 It then became popular because it is tasty and good to people's health. 珍稀虫草活力宝,二十专利虫草王 Huolibao contains worm grass and the king of worm grass has obtained 20 patents. 虫草精华全吸收,远销欧美十年畅 These two products which contain the distillate of worm grass have been sold well in the Occident. 人体装上发动机,精神倍增神采扬 As they can make people powerful,energic. 贤达富贵识珍宝,长期享用智慧高 Long time eating could also make one wise. 健康食品黑木耳,北川木耳蜀中王 Black fungus is a kind of health food and the agaric of Beichuan is an unique product of Sichuan. 天府特产德阳造,名家书画年画坊 There are other special products made by Deyang, e.g. Chinese chirography. 家珍就不一一数,硕果全部献健康 Besides, there are countless unique products made by Deyang, all of them are good for health.
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